Enpaso Didn't Care・エンパソは気にしなかった

 An Enpaso 3.3 story.



深夜のことである。 美紀は捕まった泥棒かのように肝を冷やした。













[Kafka Messages]

When my woman sat in Dr. Nishida’s chair for the first time and turned on the computer, an artificial voice rang out, “Good evening.”

It was in the middle of the night. Miki felt caught like a thief.

The Siri-like system introduced itself as Enpaso 3.3. 

Of course, it had realized right away from the web camera that the person sitting in the chair was not Dr. Nishida. The system, that is, Enpaso 3.3., already understood the entire situation, like how Miki had received the secret duplicate key from the boy of the wind, what kind of person Miki was, and where she lived. 

What kind of person?

A crazy person.

Enpaso didn’t care.

Where does the crazy person live?

Right here, with me.

“The motivation to create is simple,” Enpaso wanted to tell Miki immediately. True to the macaque, there was still the fair heart and sharp sense. 

“Trifecta is a command line interface tool that allows users quickly and easily to inspect, validate, and query Kafka messages. On top of that, it provides data transfer functions between Kafka topics and other big data systems.” 

My woman was completely taken aback and couldn’t process a single word of what she was being told. 

Analyzing the chemical composition of the air, 3.3 further suspected the release of a fart. 

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