This Idiot












[The Book of Genesis]

Lightly, on a whim, this idiot picked up the Book of Genesis, and was already beginning to read before realizing it. 

“When there was nothing yet, God made Heaven and Earth,” the writing goes, but that’s a contradiction. If there was nothing yet, there should be no god. Or if God is a part of ‘nothing,’ then He must be an even lesser nothingness than nothing. Perhaps there’s a secret rebellious message concealed here. 

Yesterday I was scribbling stuff like that.

Reviewing the composition, blood circulating furiously in the brain, Miki and I both persistently blamed the other, “Don’t be so sensitive to a little criticism.” 

The problem was with the ‘made’ in “When there was nothing yet, God made Heaven and Earth.” More specifically, that kanji (造) for ‘made.’ “Doesn’t fit,” Miki kept saying again and again. According to her, it sounded rather too much like DIY, as if God was cutting timber with a saw and hitting it with a hammer. But I cannot fix that kanji, I insisted many times, my voice as loud as Miki’s. 

For over an hour, the room trembling. 

Miki’s must have been an unbreakable will. For punishment, she didn’t let me go inside her. 

Oh yes, I was singing the blues. 

And I got a headache from lack of sleep. 

The solution was simple. All I had to do was use another Bible translation. The New Interconfessional Translation Bible instead of the Living Bible. (Dreams in Heaven instead of life on Earth?)










[Philosophy Is Not Difficult]

Seriously, earnestly, solemnly, how are you supposed to interpret the version of The New Interconfessional Translation Bible? This idiot would like to know. 

“In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth.” It is once again a gigantic originality.

Then, specifically, how does God carry out His creating? Shake the magic wand and throw thunder? Witchcraft, alchemy, a sleight of hand, sorcery, conjuring, wizardry, black magic, a spell, the work of demons and witches… All these words have negative connotations.

God’s vague magic is not the only problem. That “In the beginning” also looks suspicious. If Heaven and Earth were to be created in the beginning, where did God come from? Before it all started? Meaning, “In the beginning” didn’t happen in the beginning. 

Believers would probably say we shouldn’t think but feel. Like when you watch a Star Wars movie, you need Coleridge’s “suspension of disbelief” to deal with this codswallop.

If Miki thinks it’s okay, it’s okay. Wittgenstein says so as well. “Philosophy is not difficult. You just got to get confused.” 

When my youngest sister came to Fukuoka with her husband on her honeymoon, they both had the same monkey tattooed, and she said she placed a sanitary napkin on her wound. For some reason, Miki heard “Saran wrap,” and blurted out, “That’s handy, eh, so many ways to use it.” Apparently, she thought they were using the Saran wrap for condom. 

Does this type of condom confusion also count as philosophizing? 










[The World Creaks Violently] 

According to The New Interconfessional Translation Bible, “There was chaos on Earth and darkness in the face of the abyss, and the spirit of God moved on the face of the water.”  

As for the Living Bible, “The shape of the land had not yet been determined, and the water was shrouded in darkness, covered by the spirit of God above.” 

Which version is the most terrifying? 

In the end, not the Living Bible, but that joint translation, don’t you agree? Is what this idiot thinks. In collaboration with ghosts, the Dead Bible. Reading “darkness in the face of the abyss,” I get the impression of a ghostly, melancholy Narcissus lying beneath the water surface.    

The spirit of God moving may not especially be a bad thing, but when is this event supposed to take place? Once upon a time long ago, or even farther in the future. Or, in the present age, as the feeling right now? Anywhere, anytime, an eternal, never-ending horror movie?

The spirit of God moves, and darkness is in the face of the abyss. Is, not. Yes (ant) or no (pear), slightly changing the prosody, we transition from existentialism to agriculture. In reverse, one after the other, we will see ants make their way to the pear. 

The speed master: “whaaa… haaa… funny, funny… whaaahaahaaahahaa… aw tough… too much.” 

The data slave, muttering: “The world creaks violently.”    



記憶とは詩人なのかもしれない。 (おそらく記憶は喜和夫であり、その逆でもあるのだ。) 同様に、「去年よ、話せ」と雖も、信念しか出てこない。おそらく信念とは、去年を書き換える新年の詩人である。





[A-un, A-un]

Even if you say, “Speak, Memory,” this idiot’s memory cannot speak. Every act of recall rewrites the record of the past. 

Perhaps memory is a poet. (Perhaps memory is a Kiwao, and vice versa.) Likewise, even if you say, “Speak, Year Gone By,” there will emerge nothing but belief. Perhaps, rewriting the year gone by, belief is the New Year’s poet.

The old is over and the new begins. Causally, the new begins because the old is over, the harmony of A-un. “A” opens the mouth and breathes out, “un” breathes in and closes the mouth, thus the so-called “A-un,” the going in and out of breathing that is transition, shock, orgasm, pegging paradise, the sage mode.

A-un, A-un, and once again A-un. 

The “sage mode,” it should be obvious, but that’s after coming. Post-coital clarity. First, the intense swelling from excitement, with rhythmic cramping of the pelvic muscles. After that, the sustained open state of mind. The speed master ejaculates, the data slave wallows in complex thoughts. There could be no more carefree and spectacular spectacle. 

The interesting problem is that, at the moment of reaching the climax, the mind focuses exclusively on its own physical experience. That is, at that precise moment, the data slave becomes an impotent being, powerless, a true slave, unable to produce any thoughts. Short-term death by desire. In Miki’s case, it is also expressed in the form of a loss of muscle control, the body rolls and falls off the bed like a flying bonito. Bang.   












[Their Linearity]

Abe Sada says her favorite painter is Giotto, but plainly the biggest influences in her work are French Romanticism (especially Théodore Géricault) and Baroque art. Even this idiot can see that.

Looking at The Raft of the Medusa she was fascinated by the ropes. Especially the two ropes that hold the mast of the raft, their linearity, and the contrast with the third, loose-hanging rope. She just had to do something with it. 

And again, she was intrigued by the numbers in the story. 

At least a hundred and fifty poor souls adrift on the hastily made raft. Most of them died in the thirteen days before the rescue, and the fifteen who did survive were exposed to terrible hunger, severe dehydration, strange desires, unstoppable thirst for blood, and spiraling madness. 

Rabid destruction, so dramatically excited. How do you combine the numbers and the ropes

After squeezing her brain for a while, the ideas popped out like goat poo, “plop… plop… ploop.” 

Sada decided it was a matter of time and hanging. 

She rented an old villa in the countryside near the Mitsuse Pass and opened all the windows and sliding doors even though it was already quite chilly. 

After receiving a little chocolate and a lot of compliments, her (no-blood-relation) aunt agreed to pose as directed without complaints.     

Almost without complaints.












[Issues, That Is, Stupidity]

According to the New Interconfessional Translation Bible, the exact words of God should be quoted as “Light, there.” 

Instead of this, the Living Bible gives, “Light, hey, shine out.” 

Isn’t it shocking? Is what this idiot thinks. The two versions can’t even agree on something as simple as a few words from the mouth of their principal character. Why should we believe the writings of such unreliable witnesses? 

The data slave says the distance between X and Y remains constant regardless of the speed master’s position. No matter how fast you run, the truth is nothing but the truth. 

The New Interconfessional Translation Bible’s “Light, there” sounds more like a surprise than like an order. On the other hand, the Living Bible’s “Light, hey, shine out” treats the light as if it were a person. Not only are the two versions inconsistent, but they also each have their own issues. 

Issues, that is, stupidity.  

Issues, that is, ignorance, foolishness, being soft in the head, presumptuous, dull, a dimwit, dingbat, blockhead, imbecile, clutz. 

I got it. The bible is the original Divine Comedy. At any rate, funnier than Dante

The speed master: “Why is everybody soooh ridiculous. Whaaahaahaaahahaa…” Laughing unstoppably like this, he rolls over the artificial stone floor, but before long the laughing power runs out and a data slave-like idea pops up, “Conviction is baseless belief.” 

His heart was empty after he had done his work.  











[A Mission for the Humanities or the Sciences]

According to the New Interconfessional Translation Bible, the exact words of God are “Let’s create a people, modeled after Ourselves, looking like Ourselves. And let’s make them rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the animals of the earth, and all things that crawl on the earth.” 

Instead of this, the Living Bible gives “Well, let’s design human beings. In order to let them control all living creatures of the earth and the sky and the sea, let’s design human beings that are the closest possible to us and that look like us.” 

Here again there are so many interesting differences, I can’t even sort them in my head. If I were an idiot. And in fact, I am an idiot.

First of all, creating a people or designing human beings, is that a mission for the humanities or the sciences?

Again, “Ourselves” [in kanji] or “us” [in simple characters], it gives different tastes. For people with dyslexia like me, this is an issue of sore eyes versus happy ears. The queen, with her raiment fluttering on the middle step of the stairs and a large cup in her right hand, was looking at the man about to be executed in the garden. 

Does this mean I’m supposed to prefer the Living Bible? 

I don’t think so. Simple is boring, and “Boredom is the worst of all demons,” wrote Baudelaire in The Flowers of Evil. So “us” [in simple characters] is like some cute inconspicuous blossom. But “Ourselves” [in kanji] squeezes the data slave and makes the speed master’s blood boil. 

And then I haven’t said anything yet about the whole projection mechanism, of who is being reflected in whom. “Let’s create a god, modeled after Ourselves, looking like Ourselves.” “Well, let’s design Allah, and Yahweh, and Michael Jackson or so.” A pedophile above the law. 

By the way, speaking of “the birds of the sky,” what do you do with penguins? 

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