Dorothy Neville






洋鵡、学名はPsittacus erithacusで、簡単に言うと未確認の怪鳥のような見た目をしたオウムである。可愛さからは程遠く、冠羽もなく、体色も地味なグレーで、四十年以上大抵の場合飼い主の悩みの種でしかなかったのだが、さすがにヨウムもこの苦難のときに、とち狂ったようにただ鳴き叫ぶだけであった。







[The Explanation Is Rather Curious]

“Shut up! 

Don’t be such a princess over a little headache. 

I’m flat out of magical power. 

This is all your fault!” squawked the gray parrot. 

Western-style scientific name: Psittacus erithacus, meaning, parrot looking like an unknown bird. Not cute, no crest, a plain gray body color, for more than forty years basically a pain in the ass, and the only thing the gray parrot could do at this time of distress was to squawk like crazy. 

The parrot knew something was up. 

From the mistress, a complete lack of even the slightest sound, only eerie silence. A silence with an amazing fullness and weight, different in kind from emptiness or abandonment. 

Ninety-year-old Dorothy Neville sat without moving, not moving anything, motionless, sat there, sat and sat, not moving, her lips closed, her cheeks flat, not breathing, for hours and hours, passing time. 

The police later disclosed that her head lay on the pages of an open book. As it would befit the last moments of a prominent scientist, it was a book by Darwin on orchids. 

It looked like a peaceful and unsuspicious death. 

But, looking more closely, on the page where her head lay, she had underlined a sentence that read, “The explanation is rather curious.” 











[It Wasn’t Sexy]

It was probably the seventh or eighth trial when Madame Diderot experienced a life-changing encounter. The spider’s limbs of the tattoo on her neck wriggled as if alive, breathing heavily in and heavily out.

She sat smoking a cigar on a wooden bench in a non-smoking area in the corridor outside the courtroom. 

Of course, the cigar was fitted with a small paper version of Mankoman as a cigar band. 

Sitting next to the female Socrates was a very elegant and thin old lady who introduced herself as molecular neuroscientist Dorothy Neville (yes, she was still alive then). She asked if she could also have a puff of the cigar

Blowing a cloud of gray-blue smoke, Dorothy lectured about the threat that sexual intercourse poses to men, “The male genitals enter triumphantly, but when leaving, they always come out diminished.” 

Even without hostility, like a cigar, the penis burns out naturally. The entire charade with vagina dentata was a waste of time. 

It wasn’t sexy. 

From that moment on, Madame Diderot decided to shift her focus, realizing the war was not against the penis, but for the cultivation of sexual joy. 

“But,” the female Socrates turned to the molecular neuroscientist. “What brought you here?”













[Que Sera Sera]

Leather skirt, leather necktie, stiletto heels. Not taller than an elementary school girl, a red-haired woman in her mid-fifties sat smoking a cigar on a wooden bench in a non-smoking area in the corridor outside the courtroom. 

For a moment, the spider couldn’t even move.

Since there was no other place to plop down, Dorothy Neville took a seat next to her. 

The cigar was fitted with a small paper version of Mankoman as a cigar band. 

“What’s the meaning of that?” asked Dorothy. She was approaching her nineties, but her molecular neuroscientist’s playful mind was as curious as ever. Immensely curious, or skeptical. 

An aggressively erotic feminist, the tiny red-haired woman (whom of course we know as Madame Diderot) had apparently been charged over her giant vagina art. 

Slightly condescending, Dorothy smiled, borrowed the cigar, and blew a cloud of gray-blue smoke. When asked why she was there, the molecular neuroscientist just answered, “It’s a long story.” 

She was thinking of Darwin and the orchids once again. 

“Let it be observed how beautifully everything is contrived.” 

That is to say, “Que sera sera.” 

Suddenly, Dorothy realized the legal struggle was in vain, and just as her lawyer arrived, she left the courthouse.


新婚の女性と三人の親戚が、自撮りをしようとしてインドの貯水池で溺死した。 たかが自撮りのために! 














[What a Terrible Choice]

A newly married woman and three relatives drowned in a reservoir in India when they tried to take a selfie. For a selfie

The misfortune struck a group of six people, holding hands near Pambar dam, standing in waist-deep water, one of whom slipped and pulled the others. 

The newly married man was able to save his younger sister, but the others ended up dying. 

What a terrible choice he was forced to make, sensed Dorothy Neville with pity. 

His wife, or his younger sister.

The data slave points out, “In order to understand the mechanisms of decision-making, it is crucial to focus not only on the statistics of stimulus inputs and behavioral outputs, but also on the processes occurring inside the minds of the decision-makers.” 

It reminded Dorothy of another incident she read about two days before. 

Six elephants lost their lives while trying to save each other from an infamous waterfall. 

According to officials, this tragic accident occurred after a baby elephant slipped down the waterfall in central Thailand’s Khao Yai National Park. 

Truly there is no God, concluded the famous molecular neuroscientist. 

To find solace, she started reading Hamlet one more time. 

What else could she do? She leaned her limp body against the rail. 

Now, for the first time, she discovered orchids in the drowning scene. 

“Long purples,” “Dead-men’s-fingers.”

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