The Chronicle of Beauty
[Infinite Horizon]
In the chaos and grime of a dark room, the first thing Miki noticed after regaining consciousness was the orchids.
Their delicacy and color.
Their sweet smell.
She didn’t know the place, didn’t know the time, she was tied up with a rope, and alone with the man who was going to kill her.
“In the land of the autistic, math is an aphrodisiac. Simply contemplating a function like addition, the temperature in the room rises, and the infinite horizon with discounting performs an attractive striptease. Hey, bring out lots of erections with any beautiful curve. This is life.”
She couldn’t tell whether the strange thought came from her own head or from a voice outside.
A few hours earlier, a few days earlier, she had been cycling at the foot of Mount Kaya near her house. A man she didn’t know rammed her with his car, got out of the car, beat her violently, pulled her into the car, tied her down, and blindfolded her.
After Miki regained consciousness, the killer tried to put her in an ice-cold bath, but she crouched and didn’t move. A sense of silence enveloped the dark room entirely.
In the space of an hour, the inner mood changed.
“Those must be orchids, eh. Beautiful…” she said.
The orchid breeder was puzzled, smiled, and let her escape (even though he guessed his sweet victim would surely call the police).
「もうダメだね」と母(思いやりはあれど要求の厳しい魔女であった)。 「あんた。彼はどこ。大丈夫かい。」かすかに、糸のような呻き声が女の唇にのぼる。
As always, Miki’s mother was riding a scooter.
In the basket attached to the handle shaft, a cardboard box full of vegetables was fitted awkwardly.
The driver of a small van turned right without looking for traffic when entering a parking lot in Hakata, and bumped straight into the scooter.
Miki’s mother fell and broke her neck.
For a while she was in a coma, then woke up and fell into a coma again.
My woman, who wasn’t my woman yet, was there the entire time, sleeping by her mother’s bedside in the hospital. The next time the old witch opened her eyes, everyone knew this was probably the last chance to say something.
“This is no good,” said Mom (a caring but demanding witch). “You. Where’s your man. Everything okay?” A faint, thread-like moan rose to the woman’s lips.
Twisting her tongue into desperation ethics, Miki lied, “Yes.”
“Get married right away, don’t wait anymore.”
Miki nodded.
“Graduate too, you have to. You finish what you start.”
カントは、元は不快ないし醜いものだとされていても実存では審美的に表現できるもの、実存美の例として、戦争や疫病等の事象を挙げている。この考え方に基づく限り、不快や醜さは美の対義語ではない。彼は真に美に対抗するものは「『Ekel』、 吐き気を催すもの」だとし、最も冷酷な哲学者の手腕をもってしても、これだけは美しく表現できない、と言う。
[Fair-Weather Ethics]
“When it comes to contingent obligations to mothers, it is not enough that our deliberate actions avoid conflict with the goal of humanity as such in our personality, the actions must further be in harmony with that humanity.”
Was it a good thing, or bad, that Miki’s mother didn’t know the truth?
A good thing.
And bad.
Miki didn’t have the courage to speak up before her mother died.
Her tongue didn’t behave.
So, Kant’s fear-weather ethics seemed more irrelevant than ever, and all the theorizing by Dr. Nishida didn’t help a bit.
How could she explain to herself the abortion she had?
Kant cites the phenomena of war and plague as examples of existential beauty, which can be esthetically expressed in reality even if it is unpleasant or ugly in nature. As far as that, discomfort and ugliness are not the opposite of beauty. What really antagonizes beauty, he says, is “Ekel, the thing that causes nausea,” which even with the skill of the cruelest philosopher cannot be expressed esthetically.
The simple fact was that Miki could never fulfill the promises she made her mother. The rope of misfortune is like the rope of luck. Her crazy hair fell into a troubled mess on her cheeks.
[Dear Reader]
Foolery, mistakes, sins, and skeletons occupy the mind and injure the body.
Before becoming the real Miki, little miss Asada aborted her pregnancy.
“People are taking sides on this issue.”
“The throng protested against anti-natalism.”
Something had to be done, and she did something.
Even if you smash windows or burn cars, sins are stubborn, any which way you try to cheat them. Conscience moves through a lifetime with originality, aspiration, and an irresistible pace, much like the waves of the ocean.
“This is a sociological study on the maternal right to choose.”
Dear reader, no matter how rich the metals of free will, they end up evaporating when the wizards of guilt apply their tricks. Sadly, the soul isn’t hardened enough, and a flock of demons shall run amok in the head.
“The independent candidate didn’t take the abortion issue off his platform.”
Little miss Asada didn’t have the courage to speak up before her mother died. So, all the theorizing by Dr. Nishida seemed more irrelevant than ever, and Kant’s fear-weather ethics didn’t help a bit.
“Are you for or against abortion?”
The boyfriend was really an asshole. It felt good to completely cut the connection with him, but what about the fertilized egg?
Miki never forgave herself.
[Tableau Mort]
Two years after getting the Hasselblad, Abe Sada’s first intellectual orgasm happened with the collision of three cars. A little girl’s head came rolling from an overturned car all the way to her feet. Someone was screaming hysterically.
Not Sada’s voice.
Sada crouched and touched the head, and tried talking to it, but confused as she was, she couldn’t say a word though usually so talkative.
She may have unconsciously remembered her brother’s penis.
Rather than the girl’s head, it was the splendid color of fresh blood that struck her dumb. That curiosity was the freshest of her life.
Between white and black, the interesting stuff is in the middle.
Life’s most precious red, when dying.
(The rainbow of blood?)
Intuitively, she understood what Miki was preaching on a daily basis.
Delight is always local, practical, conditional. It comes from the editing, as an inference between an old image and a new image, which has to be heavily elaborated.
At that moment, she didn’t have her camera with her, but she had already developed a sharp mind for photography. Using a balloon with a creepy smile and her own blood, she succeeded a few days later in reconstructing the scene in the attic.
From then on, scratching the negatives, bleaching or changing the color of the prints, with a highly improvisational approach she specialized in these types of tableau mort. Tableaux morts, that is, pictures of the dead, or those about to die.
[Baby Penguin and the Lolicon Prince]
Little miss Asada’s high school lover: he was good at basketball, he always wore a red sweater and slacks that were properly ironed, without fail he greeted everyone politely, he didn’t smoke, he was rich enough to take her to the movies, he didn’t burp, he didn’t fart, he had a healthy skin without too much acne, and in most cases, he was clever enough to understood when to be quiet.
In short, without considering his penis, he was better than ninety-nine percent of the competition.
Even considering his penis, he was still better than most.
He was one year older.
He thought he was the boss, and she let him think it.
The problem surrounding “Coercion and Freedom,” which she herself had formulated, Miki later called it “The Eternal Problem” in sex education, or “Baby Penguin and the Lolicon Prince.”
Because he, that is, the Lolicon Prince, went to Kyushu University, she, that is, Baby Penguin, also went to Kyushu University.
Even my woman admits it, but in retrospect it’s clear that they couldn’t last as a couple.
As a matter of course, penguins grow up, and pedophiles get castrated. Salvation is a superficial nonsense.
[Once the Thought Materializes]
Sadness twisted her tongue into the empty promise, “Yes, I’ll marry, I’ll graduate.” Then Miki threw herself down and moaned as if she was having a nightmare.
She shed a river of tears deep enough to drown in.
She knew it was useless, but my woman, who wasn’t my woman yet, stayed there the entire time, sleeping at mommy’s bedside.
Her mother didn’t wake up again.
The nights were very long. All she could do was turn and turn her thoughts. In the end she resolved she had to make a decision about her own future.
The abortion was a thing of the past, impossible to turn back the clock.
Research would be a vivid reminder of the promises already broken before they were made. Of course, Miki had no other option but to quit. She probably needed another year to complete her Ph.D., but it was too painful to continue.
And, once the thought materializes, my woman is the type that won’t back down.
“You must keep your promises,” it echoed inside her head.
What Kant gave as an example of absolute obligation in Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals.
But, what about another absolute obligation, “Don’t commit suicide”?
Since the promise was a lie from the beginning, if anything, Miki decided she should do the exact opposite.
[Do You Have Pain in Your Shoulders?]
One day, about three months after her mother died, Miki was choosing a red wine bottle at Shima’s AEON Supermarket when a well-groomed woman suddenly approached her and asked, “Do you have pain in your shoulders?”
She had to endure the pain of the needle for a month or two. It was none of her business.
Miki didn’t reply and soon forgot completely about this episode, but two weeks later, at the YouMe Town Supermarket she was again choosing a red wine bottle when the same well-groomed woman suddenly came near and asked, “Do you have pain in your shoulders?”
It was even less of her business.
What’s up with this, wondered little miss Asada, who was at that time secretly sobbing every day.
Did the woman really want to help altruistically, being a nurse, or perhaps a doctor? Or was she instead trying to seek a customer, or just looking to seduce Miki?
When she was called out for the third time, Miki finally admitted to the pain in her shoulder, out of curiosity for the lady’s advice.
Without uttering a single a word, Madame Diderot just gave her a business card of the Melancho girls bar and nodded goodbye.