I Was Scribbling Stuff Like That・このようなことを書き殴っていた
A story by This Idiot.
[The Book of Genesis]
Lightly, on a whim, this idiot picked up the Book of Genesis, and was already beginning to read before realizing it.
“When there was nothing yet, God made Heaven and Earth,” the writing goes, but that’s a contradiction. If there was nothing yet, there should be no god. Or if God is a part of ‘nothing,’ then He must be an even lesser nothingness than nothing. Perhaps there’s a secret rebellious message concealed here.
Yesterday I was scribbling stuff like that.
Reviewing the composition, blood circulating furiously in the brain, Miki and I both persistently blamed the other, “Don’t be so sensitive to a little criticism.”
The problem was with the ‘made’ in “When there was nothing yet, God made Heaven and Earth.” More specifically, that kanji (造) for ‘made.’ “Doesn’t fit,” Miki kept saying again and again. According to her, it sounded rather too much like DIY, as if God was cutting timber with a saw and hitting it with a hammer. But I cannot fix that kanji, I insisted many times, my voice as loud as Miki’s.
For over an hour, the room trembling.
Miki’s must have been an unbreakable will. For punishment, she didn’t let me go inside her.
Oh yes, I was singing the blues.
And I got a headache from lack of sleep.
The solution was simple. All I had to do was use another Bible translation. The New Interconfessional Translation Bible instead of the Living Bible. (Dreams in Heaven instead of life on Earth?)