An Irresistible Pace・やむべからざる歩調


A story in The Chronicle of Beauty.















[Dear Reader]

Foolery, mistakes, sins, and skeletons occupy the mind and injure the body. 

Before becoming the real Miki, little miss Asada aborted her pregnancy. 

“People are taking sides on this issue.” 

“The throng protested against anti-natalism.” 

Something had to be done, and she did something.

Even if you smash windows or burn cars, sins are stubborn, any which way you try to cheat them. Conscience moves through a lifetime with originality, aspiration, and an irresistible pace, much like the waves of the ocean. 

“This is a sociological study on the maternal right to choose.” 

Dear reader, no matter how rich the metals of free will, they end up evaporating when the wizards of guilt apply their tricks. Sadly, the soul isn’t hardened enough, and a flock of demons shall run amok in the head. 

“The independent candidate didn’t take the abortion issue off his platform.” 

Little miss Asada didn’t have the courage to speak up before her mother died. So, all the theorizing by Dr. Nishida seemed more irrelevant than ever, and Kant’s fear-weather ethics didn’t help a bit. 

“Are you for or against abortion?” 

The boyfriend was really an asshole. It felt good to completely cut the connection with him, but what about the fertilized egg? 

Miki never forgave herself. 

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