Eery Silence・不気味な沈黙
A Dorothy Neville story.
洋鵡、学名はPsittacus erithacusで、簡単に言うと未確認の怪鳥のような見た目をしたオウムである。可愛さからは程遠く、冠羽もなく、体色も地味なグレーで、四十年以上大抵の場合飼い主の悩みの種でしかなかったのだが、さすがにヨウムもこの苦難のときに、とち狂ったようにただ鳴き叫ぶだけであった。
[The Explanation Is Rather Curious]
“Shut up!
Don’t be such a princess over a little headache.
I’m flat out of magical power.
This is all your fault!” squawked the gray parrot.
Western-style scientific name: Psittacus erithacus, meaning, parrot looking like an unknown bird. Not cute, no crest, a plain gray body color, for more than forty years basically a pain in the ass, and the only thing the gray parrot could do at this time of distress was to squawk like crazy.
The parrot knew something was up.
From the mistress, a complete lack of even the slightest sound, only eerie silence. A silence with an amazing fullness and weight, different in kind from emptiness or abandonment.
Ninety-year-old Dorothy Neville sat without moving, not moving anything, motionless, sat there, sat and sat, not moving, her lips closed, her cheeks flat, not breathing, for hours and hours, passing time.
The police later disclosed that her head lay on the pages of an open book. As it would befit the last moments of a prominent scientist, it was a book by Darwin on orchids.
It looked like a peaceful and unsuspicious death.
But, looking more closely, on the page where her head lay, she had underlined a sentence that read, “The explanation is rather curious.”