Just a Little Altar・ちょっとした仏壇
A Madame Diderot story.
[For the Boyfriend Who Took His Own Life]
Thirty-something Kiyohara no Nagiko, who used to be called a butterfly orchid, was wasting time in the shopping area of Tenjin. Tired of working for Madame Diderot, these days she had apparently quit her job.
Her place being a total mess, Nagiko said, “It should fit your novel, right, this kind of trash house.” It would be unbearable to face, she laughed.
Barely any place to set foot in the entrance hall, and behind the door of the living room first of all a pile of underwear.
Further inside, empty shells of lunchboxes and cups of ramen noodles, bags of bread, wilted orchids, beer cans, plastic bottles and so on. There was no end to the tightly packed heaps of trash, the floor completely invisible. Mold proliferated inside a casserole, and in the sink, there were bowls piled up that had been left there for over three years.
Hair got stuck in the drainage, water flowing back, and such.
Apart from the waterbed, the only safe zone was “Just a little altar” in the corner of the room. For the boyfriend who took his own life.
When she was twenty-five, -six, she had a relationship with him, from the same hometown, same age, same birthday.
“A meeting of destiny,” they thought, but the reason they had to break up was that, unbeknownst to themselves, they were actually twins.
“I liked him as a boyfriend, but I also liked him the way I liked myself. After all, I couldn’t bear being separated,” she recalled her feeling at the time.
As agreed, Nagiko took off her panties, and masturbated counterclockwise in front of the camera, like the woman in the Gustav Klimt drawing.