Her Crazy Hair・気狂じみた髪


A story in The Chronicle of Beauty.










カントは、元は不快ないし醜いものだとされていても実存では審美的に表現できるもの、実存美の例として、戦争や疫病等の事象を挙げている。この考え方に基づく限り、不快や醜さは美の対義語ではない。彼は真に美に対抗するものは「『Ekel』、 吐き気を催すもの」だとし、最も冷酷な哲学者の手腕をもってしても、これだけは美しく表現できない、と言う。


[Fair-Weather Ethics]

“When it comes to contingent obligations to mothers, it is not enough that our deliberate actions avoid conflict with the goal of humanity as such in our personality, the actions must further be in harmony with that humanity.” 

Was it a good thing, or bad, that Miki’s mother didn’t know the truth? 

A good thing.

And bad.

Miki didn’t have the courage to speak up before her mother died. 

Her tongue didn’t behave.

So, Kant’s fear-weather ethics seemed more irrelevant than ever, and all the theorizing by Dr. Nishida didn’t help a bit. 

How could she explain to herself the abortion she had? 

Kant cites the phenomena of war and plague as examples of existential beauty, which can be esthetically expressed in reality even if it is unpleasant or ugly in nature. As far as that, discomfort and ugliness are not the opposite of beauty. What really antagonizes beauty, he says, is “Ekel, the thing that causes nausea,” which even with the skill of the cruelest philosopher cannot be expressed esthetically. 

The simple fact was that Miki could never fulfill the promises she made her mother. The rope of misfortune is like the rope of luck. Her crazy hair fell into a troubled mess on her cheeks.

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