Golden Ripples・金色の波紋


A story on The Headless Snake.












[Hand Job in Tokyo]

Fortunately, after spending a long day at the big convention, it wasn’t raining yet when he returned to the hotel at night. The darkness bustled.

It was the third consecutive year, always right in the middle of the rainy season, that the headless snake attended the same big convention to introduce the study program of the School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation to prospective university students at Tokyo Dream Navigation Live. 

A miserable day in a miserable place.

The strategy of “Global Human Resource Development” that he had explained that day didn’t receive much attention from the spoiled high school students, so he was a little irritated, and his tail restless. He felt like killing someone.

There was only one solution.

With a spring in his step, he went straight to “Golden Ripples,” his favorite massage parlor in Machida. 

A twenty-minute hand job in Tokyo for three thousand yen. 

As soon as it caught sight of the headless snake, the fat mascot cat ran up the stairs and escaped. 

Then, as before, to systematically capture the interference in the “Go or No-Go” prefrontal neurons involved in behavioral decision-making, he asked for the cheerful yellow carnation. 

Given the violent rubbing, there was a danger that the fountain would gush out within thirty seconds, but by concentrating on his mental image of the fat cat’s anus, he was able to last for almost the entire twenty-minute period.

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