Time Is the Ultimate Teacher・時間とは、究極の師である


A story in The Chronicle of Beauty.











[Baby Penguin and the Lolicon Prince]

Little miss Asada’s high school lover: he was good at basketball, he always wore a red sweater and slacks that were properly ironed, without fail he greeted everyone politely, he didn’t smoke, he was rich enough to take her to the movies, he didn’t burp, he didn’t fart, he had a healthy skin without too much acne, and in most cases, he was clever enough to understood when to be quiet. 

In short, without considering his penis, he was better than ninety-nine percent of the competition. 

Even considering his penis, he was still better than most.

He was one year older.

He thought he was the boss, and she let him think it.

The problem surrounding “Coercion and Freedom,” which she herself had formulated, Miki later called it “The Eternal Problem” in sex education, or “Baby Penguin and the Lolicon Prince.” 

Because he, that is, the Lolicon Prince, went to Kyushu University, she, that is, Baby Penguin, also went to Kyushu University. 

Even my woman admits it, but in retrospect it’s clear that they couldn’t last as a couple. 

Time is the ultimate teacher. 

As a matter of course, penguins grow up, and pedophiles get castrated. Salvation is a superficial nonsense.  

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