A Puff of the Cigar・葉巻を一服
A Dorothy Neville story.
[It Wasn’t Sexy]
It was probably the seventh or eighth trial when Madame Diderot experienced a life-changing encounter. The spider’s limbs of the tattoo on her neck wriggled as if alive, breathing heavily in and heavily out.
She sat smoking a cigar on a wooden bench in a non-smoking area in the corridor outside the courtroom.
Of course, the cigar was fitted with a small paper version of Mankoman as a cigar band.
Sitting next to the female Socrates was a very elegant and thin old lady who introduced herself as molecular neuroscientist Dorothy Neville (yes, she was still alive then). She asked if she could also have a puff of the cigar.
Blowing a cloud of gray-blue smoke, Dorothy lectured about the threat that sexual intercourse poses to men, “The male genitals enter triumphantly, but when leaving, they always come out diminished.”
Even without hostility, like a cigar, the penis burns out naturally. The entire charade with vagina dentata was a waste of time.
It wasn’t sexy.
From that moment on, Madame Diderot decided to shift her focus, realizing the war was not against the penis, but for the cultivation of sexual joy.
“But,” the female Socrates turned to the molecular neuroscientist. “What brought you here?”